Hear the Boom! The Sound-Accuracy Update! 0.2.1

What's rocking?

I'm so lucky to have as much free time as I do to work on 0.3.0, and it's *just* enough to push out 0.2.1.

Well what does 0.2.1 Include?

0.2.1 adds sound, weapon accuracy, and various bugfixes. Some of these sounds are not final, so player input on that will definitely help me change it out. I'm going to need to polish some of these sounds in Cakewalk. Behind the hood, I've been tinkering with my audio workstation to work on UI, sounds, and music! I don't know I want for the auditory experience, but I definitely want to include fantasy-esque instrument sounds alongside maybe some rock elements. It'll be like a blend between fantasy and tacticool just like how the entire game is build around. I have a lot of music experience under my belt, but this will be my second time applying it (I have written music for one of my old bands). Music design can be its own article, but to continue...


Expect 0.3.0 to be released around the same time next week. Keeping it high speed, hooah!

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Patch Notes:

⦁ Added a sound manager

⦁ Weapons now have an accuracy value depending on firing mode

⦁ Added sound to combat alongside framework for changing weapon sounds

⦁ Sounds! Not all are in yet, but there's a lot! ;)

⦁ Moved party UI ammo counter more to the right

⦁ Bugfix: Fixed UI not hiding when "Guard" is selected during combat

⦁ Bugfix: Fixed UI not hiding when "Reload" is selected during combat

⦁ Bugfix: Minor bugfixes!

⦁ Known bug: Deny sound does not play when incompatible item is equipped


Soldiers' Descent 0.2.1.zip 20 MB
Feb 20, 2022

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